December 9, 2019

Italy inspired small artist book

Small Artist Books

More small artist books I am making, Covers are printed from my watercolors. They are sewn together with blank paper pages and some hand made papers inside. Write your favorite quotes, poems, or draw, paint and design your favorite ideas!.

December 8, 2019

Art Show in the showcase

Art work from kids classes: Dragons, pumpkins Egyptian cats, collage birds.

December 7, 2019

Artist's Books!

 These are some small artist books I am making, Covers are printed from my watercolors. They are sewn together with blank paper pages and some hand made papers inside. Write your favorite quotes, poems, or draw, paint and design your favorite ideas!.

December 6, 2019

New Artist Book

These are small artist books I am making. Covers are printed from my watercolors. They are sewn together with blank paper pages and some hand made papers inside. Write your favorite quotes, poems, or draw, paint and design your favorite ideas!.